As the biggest political party in country which populated by 200 million people, Golongan Karya (Golkar) have played political roles for more than 30 years in Republic of Indonesia.

With more than 15 millions members and also majority of chairs in House of Representative, in the future, Golkar still and will play its political role to help government to develop the country to better prosperity

Challenge and Needs:
With the size of the organization and image brought from the past, Golkar face several potential problems with communication and ability to attract new voters from young generation

Therefore, Golkar planned to develop its online platfrom that utilize internet and mobile technologies to strengthen its presence and overcome potential problems.

The development will be done incrementally and simultaneously to ensure that it will deliver the benefit and value to community

Our Solution:
To help them to achieve their technology goals, we provide them with the following services
1. Web Strategy
2. Web Development
3. Web Maintenance and Optimization

Technology that we use
1. PHP Mambo and PHP scripting languages
2. Linux Debian
3. MySQL 5

The development took 4 months to complete and finally launched by Vice President of Republic of Indonesia, Mr Yusu Kalla

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